global Halal market is expected to reach USD 9.71 trillion (RM 40.7 trillion)
by the year 2025, with the market for Halal food expected to reach USD 2.6
trillion by 2023. Malaysia, a major global Halal hub, exports USD 8.58 billion
(RM 35.4 billion) worth of Halal products every year, approximately 5.1% of the
country’s total exports.
course will introduce learners to MS 1500, Standards for Halal Certificate
(MPPH) and provide an overview of HAS.
Certification Mark
and definitions
Who should take this course?
course is aimed at managers, executive, engineers, professionals, and employees
who are involved with Halal or whose job function affects the quality and
efficacy of their company’s products.
give participants exposure on local and global halal industry
provide participants with basic knowledge of halal and haram in Islam
expose participants with Malaysian Standards, halal Certification scheme and
its enforcement
Learning Outcome
promote participant awareness on the key principle of Halal and Haram
boost participant responsibility towards producing halal food and maintaining
its integrity
ensure compliance to the Malaysia Standards MS1500:2019
by practicing good halal practice in premise