Course Overview: This course is made for the students whom are willing to learn Python. The course include the very basics of python programing language. Course starts from the history of python and cover every main topic that is required to make a basic Python Program.
Covered Topics: The main topics covered in this course are (Sub-topics are not included)
What is Python?
Standard Data Types
Multiple Assignment
Python Strings
Python Lists
Python tuples
Python Dictionary
Python operators
Control Statements
Dictionary Built-in Functions
Python Functions
Who should attend this course? This course if for the students of Computer Sciences, in specific the students whom are interested in programming development.
Study Material: The study material is collected from multiple books and articles related to Python
Course Instruction: In order to learn advanced python you firstly have to go through the basics in order to make your Roots strong. This course will provide you every basic knowledge that you need to know before jumping in the Advanced Python.